Sunday 29 July 2012



Hey guys! Color blocking isn’t just for women, the models onthe runway, or the metrosexual man. It’s a great way to get noticed as awell-dressed man with a keen sense of style. Step out of your box. If you just want to take baby steps, try some color blocked socks, a chunky funky tie, or something as simple as a boldly striped scarf.

FOR BABES...Choosing colors

  • For a quick start, select hues next to each other on the color wheel (i.e. red and orange).
  • Or you may match complementary colors (i.e. purple and red, orange and blue, or orange and pink).
  • To make an impression, try similar colors of the same intensity (i.e. turquoise and navy).

Keep it simple

  • Try bright pants with a neutral blouse OR pair two colorful items on top with a neutral bottom.
  • Find a piece that’s already color blocked for you. Choose a skirt, dress, or top that mixes two colors in the same family. Don’t you love it when it’s that easy?
  • Love wearing black and can’t get enough of it? Just add a pop of color!

Tricks to Try

  • Bright colors will attract attention from darker ones. If you’re trying to hide that muffin top, try this trick: wear a bright jacket and dark pants to defer attention from your hips. It’ll minimize the look of your waistline.  
  • You can also use this concept to camouflage a large chest or any other curve you want to go poof!


  • If you’ve already got two colors going, a third color can be added via accessories from the opposite side of the color wheel. 
  • Unify colors with a print to add another dimension. 
  • If you want just a touch, try a color blocked purse and/or heels that complement your outfit. 
  • For a look that’s already bold, neutral accessories can tie your look together.